Who is Responsible for Pest Control When Renting?

Have you recently rented a new place but there is evidence of a pest infestation brewing? If yes, then you must be wondering – is the landlord responsible for pest control? Well, fret not, as we are here to provide you with comprehensive answers.

Who Is Responsible for Pest Control when Renting?

Under usual circumstances, the landlord is responsible for keeping the rented property free of pests through regular maintenance and timely upkeep. But if the tenant is hosting a pest party at home, they might find themselves footing the bill.

So, at the end of the day, it’s all about figuring out who’s to blame, which, as you can imagine, is quite the bone of contention. However, despite the skirmishes of taking responsibility, it is crucial for the landlord to deal with the pests to limit their impact and minimize prospective damage.

When Are Tenants Responsible for Pest Control?

When pests invade due to tenant behavior, they pay the price! Unclean regions become a magnet for ants and cockroaches, who can’t resist the filth. Time to clean up and show those critters who’s boss.

If the tenant does not take out their garbage or keeps food covered in the kitchen and pantry, pest infestation can become quite common. Likewise, excessive moisture from poor upkeep and unreported leaks can also attract specific pests.

Similarly, a flea infestation may be caused by a tenant’s pet. Thus, under these circumstances, the tenant is responsible for pest control and the consequent extermination.

When Are Landlords Responsible for Pest Control?

When it comes to pest control, it’s usually the landlord who gets to play the exterminator. In the good ol’ USA, state laws mandate that landlords keep their rented homes habitable. Bugs, you’ve been warned. If a pest issue is reported, it is their duty to check on the issue and gauge the necessary treatment.

If a landlord tries to take the DIY route, then it is not advisable, as most states demand a professional pest control sweep. In addition, some state laws even mandate that landlords educate and consult their tenants on pest prevention. Quite understandably, awareness is the best way to keep a rental space at its best state.

Some of the basic responsibilities of landlords during a pest infestation are –

  • Conduct a thorough and rigorous inspection of the rental space
  • Deal with any brewing pest issue (even if it seems minuscule) before a new tenant moves into the property
  • Make sure that broken seals, cracks in the walls, door openings, torn screens, and other crevices that facilitate the entry of pests are fixed
  • Arrange for seasonable pest control services
  • Landlords are responsible for covering the cost of pest control in most cases, unless and until the infestation is found to be caused by the tenants’ actions

So, now you have the answer to the question – is the tenant responsible for pest control?

So, you now know who is responsible for pest control. If your home is being infested by pests, opting for professional Pest Control in Sarasota, Florida, is ideal.


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